100% Organic Black Seed Oil
For over two thousand years the black cumin seed (Nigella sativa), a plant from the Ranunculaceae (buttercup) family, has been traditionally used by various cultures throughout the world as a food, health and general wellbeing. The ancient Egyptians knew and used the black seed and described it as a panacea. Tutankamun is even believed to have had a bottle of black seed oil in his tomb – and that would have been organic of course!
The black cumin seed is also mentioned in the Bible in Isiah 28:25-27 as the ‘fitches’. Ibn Senna, known in the West as Avicenna, who wrote the great medical treatise 'The Canon of Medicine', referred to the black seed as the seed ‘that stimulates the body's energy and helps recovery from fatigue’.
Culpeper’s Complete Herbal (17th Century) recommends massaging black seed oil into the scalp before washing to maximize hair care and prevent hair damage and falling hair.
Nigella sativa originates from Western Asia and is a herb that grows about 16-24 inches in height and has white flowers when in bloom. The plant is now cultivated from the Near East to India, though the most highly regarded black seed oil comes from Egypt.
The deep black, sharp-cornered rectangular seeds (no longer than 3 mm) are the part of the plant that is used for the preparation of products.
Organic Black Seed Oil from Viridian Nutrition is of the highest quality, made exclusively from organic Egyptian black cumin seed, cold-pressed and bottled in amber glass bottles under a blanket of nitrogen to protect the oil from air and light.
Organic Black Seed Oil from Viridian Nutrition is certified organic by the Soil Association. Organic growing is better for the planet, better for you. Organic standards ensure that the black cumin seeds in our Black Seed Oil are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides of other chemical sprays. Organic growing works with the planet instead of against it. The organic farms for our black cumin seeds are all in Egypt ensuring the highest quality. Plants grown without chemical sprays have been shown to produce higher levels of salvestrols. Salvestrols are supportive elements within plants (phytonutrients) which offer healthful support to humans.
Salvestrols occur in significant amounts only in stressed plants, those that have been attacked by moulds or fungi. It seems that salvestrols are a plant’s natural toxic defence against these organisms. Thus in an intensively farmed plant, having no stress because it is protected by fungicides, pesticides etc, there will be little, if any, salvestrols present. Conversely, in a similar plant grown organically (or wild), salvestrol levels will be up to 20 times higher.
Nigella sativa is an exotic addition to Viridian's extensive essential fatty acid range. Also known as the Blessed Seed, black cumin seed is popular in the Middle and Far East. With a pleasant aroma and taste, it can be taken internally off the spoon, used as part of a salad dressing or used as a head or chest rub.
Viridian’s Organic Black Seed oil is vegan, organic and certified Kosher, guaranteeing the highest quality black seed oil available.
Organic Black Seed Oil is part of the 180+ award-winning range of nutritional supplements and beauty products from Viridian Nutrition.
Each 5ml teaspoon provides approx:
Organic black seed oil 100%
Linoleic acid (Omega 6) 2450mg
Oleic acid (Omega 9)